
Birth Record of Rose Brosseau

Acquired March 2001 from the microfilm in the Municipal Archives in Dijon, Cote D'Or, France

Data Summary:
Rose Marie Ernestine Brosseau born Sptember 4, 1893, at 1:30 a.m., in Dijon, Cote d'Or, France
Father: Anatole Brosseau, age 25, assembler
Mother: Laurence Bernard, age 25
Parents marriage date: August 27, 1892 in Dijon
Residence of the family: rue magenta #34
Child born at: rue Nocteus Chausseur #7
Document recorded on September 5th, 1893, at 1:00 p.m. by the assistant to the mayor, Francois August Geruot
Witnesses: Emile Camus 25 years old, assembler and Constant Ravassard, 39, assembler.

Original Transcription
Rose Marie Ernestine
Mariée à Lyon
16º Arrt. | le
4 Août 1925
avec Max
Judd Wasserman

Pour le Maire l'Adjoint
L'an mil huit cent quatre vingt treize, le cinq Septembre
á une heure du soir pardevant nous, Francois August Geruot
adjoint au maire de la ville de Dijon, Côte-d'or remplissant
par délégation spéciale des functions d'officier del Etat Civil, a comparu
Anatole Brosseau, âgé de Vingt Cinq ans, ajusteur, demu-
rant a Dijon rue magenta 34 lequel nous a presenté un enfant
du sexe féminin, né en cette ville, rue Nocteus Chausser 7 de son
mariage contracté en cette ville le vingt sept août mil huit cent
quatre vingt douze avec Laurence Bernard, âgeé de vingt cinq
ans: auquel enfant il a declaré donnes les prenoms de Rose Marie
Les dites déclaration et presentation faites en présence
de Emile Camus, âgé de vingt cinq ans ? de Constant Ravassard
âgé de trente neuf ans, tous deux ajusteurs demeurant á Dijon ?
soussignes avec le pére Nous aprés lecture faite + le quatre
septembre courrant á une heure y demie du matin. Renvoi
Brosseau Camuz Ravassard

English Translation
Rose Marie Ernestine
Married in Lyon
16º Arrt. | on the
4th of August 1925
to Max
Judd Wasserman

Recorded by the assistant to the Mayor
In the year eighteen hundred and ninety three, on the fifth of September
at one o'clock in the afternoon, appeared before us, Francois August Gerout,
assistant to the mayor of the town of Dijon, Côte-d'Or, substituting
by special delegation in the function of officer of the state, has appeared
Anatole Brosseau, twenty five years old, assembler, resident
of Dijon on rue magenta 34 who has presented a girl child
born in this town at rue Nocteus Chausser 7 from his
marriage, contracted in this town on the twenty seventh of August, eighteen hundred
ninety two, with Laurence Bernard, twenty five years old.
He has given the following name to the child Rose Marie
This was declared in the presence of
Emile Camus, twenty five years old, and of Constant Ravassard
thirty nine years old, both assemblers living in Dijon and
who have signed below along with the father after having read this. Born on the fourth
day of September of the current year at one thirty in the morning.
Approved by:
Brosseau Camuz Ravassard