Topics in this chapter:
God's Word: The Great Commandment Lost and found: how it feels to lose something Stoles: The priest wears a purple stole for Confession to remind us he is acting in the person of Christ. Jesus is The Good Shepherd God's Word: The Good Shepherd John 10:3-15 Jesus, Our Shepherd - when we sin, Jesus calls us back to him theough the Holy Spirit. Confession is our way back. The Rite of Penance how we do Confession: 4 steps - Contrition, Confession, Absolution, Penance Contrition The Act of Contrition Changing how we live Participating in Reconciliation
The main topics of this chapter are how Jesus wants us to come back to Him and how confession works at a high level.
The book, in the lessons, only talks about how to do the sacrament of Reconcilation in a general way. There is a section in the appendix with a bit more detail. I highly recommend that you use one of the handouts below and go through much more specific steps. It helps them to feel like they know what to do and are not as afraid when it is their time to go into confession. You can start this this week or next and use it for Reconciliation practice.
When we sin we Miss the Mark.
Maze: I'm Sorry.
Coloring: Inside the Confessional.
Worksheet: Put the steps for a Communal Celebration of Confession in order.
Rite Of Reconciliation For Individuals.
Confession steps.
How to Prepare for Confession - First Communion Catechism.
How to Make a Good Confession - First Communion Catechism.
The Rite of Penance for Individuals - My Heritage
Game on OSV website
Link to a game on the OSV website for this chapter.
Discover Music: "Through My Fault" This is a resource from the book web page
From the Book's Resources
OSV Session Planner for this chapter
or this version
Link to the Catechist pages for this chapter.
There are videos you can use.
The recommended saint for this class is
St. Padre Pio Because of his dedication to Confession.
We don't have class next week because of Thanksgiving. Encourage the students to lead the Thanksgiving meal prayers with their family. There should be a meal prayer template that they could do a tent fold of and put at everyone's seat at the table. Remind them of all the things we have to be thankful for. Say prayers of Thanksgiving at the end of class today.