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Michael Seurer 44 M Farmer $400 Real Estate $100 Personal Prussia Mary Seurer 41 F " Charles 11 M " Anna M 9 F " Nicholas 7 M Wisconsin Philip 4 M " Anna G 3 F " Paul 1 M "
June 15, 1870 - page 5
age Seurer, Michael 56 Farmer born Colentz, Prussia Maria Anna 50 " Karl 20 " Anna Maria 18 " Nicholas 16 born in Wisc. Philip 14 " Gertrude 13 " Paul 11 "
Seurer, Phillip 24 Farmer. can read and write. His parents are from Prussia He was born in Wisc. Mary A 21 wife Michael 6/12 possibly born in Jan. Michael 65 father retired farmer. born in Prussia. Mary A. 61 mother " Nicholas 27 brother born in Wisc. Susann (illegible)wife Paul brother Laborer
Page 8 Seurer, Phillip June 1855 married 12 yrs. Parents from Germany. Born Wisc. Owns mortgaged farm. Nettie (illegible) June 1860 3 children, all living. Parents from Germany. Born Wisc. Mickal Nov. 1879 day laborer Matthew Nov. 1884 farm laborer Emma G. June 1891 in school Laura A. Jan. 1894 Hilda L. Sept.1895 Seurer, Nickol Mar. 1853 married 20 yrs. born Wisc. Parents from Germany. owns mortgaged farm Susan Apr. 1854 7 children 6 living doesn't speak English Mickal Jan. 1881 farm laborer M. Helen Sept. 1884 Matthew J. May 1886 farm laborer and attends school Julia May 1889 John J. Mar. 1893 p. 80 Seurer, Michael Dec. 1879 single born in Wis. parents from Germany. boarder with the Schaut family. Mason's Apprentice. p.81 Seurer, Karl April 1849 age 51. married 6 yrs. born in Germany. Came to U.S. 47 yrs ago in 1853 Mary Anna Aug. 1865 age 34 born in Germany. Came to U.S. 30 yrs. ago in 1870 Katherine Sept. 1883 age 16 Clara Dec. 1890 age 9 Anna Katherina Aug. 1894 age 5 Margaritha Sept. 1896 age 3 Michael Joseph Oct. 1899 age 9/12 p. 83 Seurer, Charles Nov. 1882 age 17 born Wisc. Father from Wisc. Mother from Minn. Farm Laborer. Servant for the Dietzen family p. 84 Seurer, Jacob Jan. 1883 age 17 born Wisc. Father from Germany. Mother from Wisc. Servant
p. 80 Seurer, Michael Dec. 1879 age 20 born Wisc. Parents from Germany. He is single. Working as a mason's apprentice. Seurer, Karl April 1849 age 51. Married 6 years. Born in Germany. Came to US in 1853. Here for 47 years. Mary Anna Aug. 1865 born in Germany. Came to US in 1870. Here for 30 years. They have 3 children. Katherina Sept. 1883 age 16 Clara Dec. 1890 age 9 Anna Katherina Aug. 1894 age 5 Margaritha Sep. 1896 age 3 Michael Joseph Oct. 1899 age 9mo. p.83 Seurer, Charles Nov. 1882 age 17 Born in Wis. Father Wis. Mother MN. He works as a farm laborer for the Dietzen family. p.84 Seurer, Jacob Jan. 1883 age 17. Born in Wis. Father Germany. Mother Wis. He is working as a servant with the ? family.
John Koenigs, who is engaged in general farming on section 9 in the town of Forest, is a native of Germany. He was born in the Kingdom of Prussia on the 31st of March and is the son of Joseph and Gertrude (Kramer) Koenigs. They were the parents of six children, but three of the family have been called to their final home; Katie the eldest, died in Fond du Lac a number of years ago; Mary is the wife of Michael Werehand, and still resides in Germany; Anthony departed this life many years ago; John, whose name heads this sketch, is the fourth in order of birth; Mathias is a resident farmer of Sheboygan County, his home being near the village of St. Cloud; Mary Ann, the youngest, died in childhood. In 1856 Joseph Koenigs, bidding good-by to his native land secured passage on board a sailing vessel and with his family embarked for America. After a long voyage the ship dropped anchor in the harbor of New York, and the little party landed on the shores of the country, where henceforth they were to make their home until called to that land whence no traveler returns. The family settled in Fond du Lac County, locating in Taycheedah Township, where in the midst of the forest the father developed a farm. Many were the hardships and difficulties which he encountered but he labored diligently for himself and family and at length his efforts were crowned with success. He first built an unpretentious log cabin and then began looking about him for some employment which would yield a ready return for his labors, whereby he might support the family until the farm was in a condition to provide for their maintenance. His search was at length rewarded, he obtaining a position in the iron mines on the shores of Lake Superior. His services provided profitable and he was able to command good wages. In that manner he secured the sum necessary to carrying on the work of developing and improving his farm, which in the course of time became one of the best homes in the community. As a citizen, Mr. Koenigs was held in the highest regard by all who Knew him and his public and private life were alike above reproach. He left to his children that priceless heritage, a good name and has remained unsullied by the sons and daughter left behind. This worthy gentleman died at his home in Forest Township in October, 1880, and his loss as a citizen and friend was deeply felt. His loved wife still survives him and finds a pleasant home with our subject, who delights in paying her every care and attention which thought can suggest.
John Koenigs was a lad of five years when the family left Germany for America. He was reared to manhood in this country, and in the schools of the neighborhood acquired his education. He has long been closely connected with the history of the community and though he began life in limited circumstances he is now numbered among its well-to-do farmers. In 1873 his father attaining to an advanced age, like a dutiful son he relieved him of the care of the farm, assuming the entire management. He now owns and operates the old homestead, which comprises eighty acres of valuable land, and has made some of the best improvements to be found in the community. In connection with general farming he is engaged quite extensively in stock raising and does a flourishing business in that line. He has made almost all that he has by untiring industry and persistent effort and the competence which he has acquired is but a fitting reward for his labors.
In 1874 Mr. Koenigs led to the marriage altar Miss Mary Ann Seurer, and by their union a family of eight children has been born, namely: Gertrude, Joseph, Mathias, Mary Ann, Paul, Lena, Annie and John Jr.
Mr. Koenigs has held several local offices of trust, and is now serving in the capacity of Pathmaster. It is needless to say to those who have known him since boyhood that his duties have ever been discharged with faithfulness and fidelity. In politics, he generally supports the Democratic party, but is not so strictly partisan that he will not cast his ballot with any other organization or its candidate if he believes it for the best interests of the community. Religiously he is a member of the Catholic Church at Mount Calvary.
Images of actual document
Nicholas Seurer, one of the leading young men of Forest Township, is the owner of a nice farm of eighty acres on section 4, where he has made his home for a number of years. He entertains practical though progressive ideas and is always abreast of the times. His parents are of German birth, but he was born in Calumet Co., Wis., on the 5th of May, 1853, the year following the arrival of the family in America. His father purchased land in that county and in the midst of the dense wilderness began the development of a farm. He was then in limited circumstances, but possessing that zeal characteristic of the race, he labored steadily undaunted by the trials and hardships of pioneer life. After a few short years where was once wild land the eye gazed upon fields of waving grain, which indicated the diligence and toil which marked the life of Mr. Seurer. His many years' residence in this county and his irreproachable life have won him many friends, and he is numbered among the honored pioneers of the community. He and his estimable wife are still living and are now enjoying the competence acquired in former years.
The subject of this sketch came with the family to Fond du Lac County during the days of his early boyhood and has here since made his home. He remained under the parental roof until twenty-six years of age, and like a dutiful son tenderly cared for his parents and assisted them in securing a liberal maintenance which would provide for them when age had unfitted them for further labors. In 1879, however, he left home and began life for himself. He has had to contend against ill-health, but notwithstanding his efforts have been crowned with marked success. Although his physical powers have sometimes failed to perform their usual functions, his mental faculties have ever been on the alert watching the advantageous points in business and otherwise caring for his interests. He is sagacious and far-sighted, but his honesty and fair dealings in all transactions are above question. He has now a good home and a fine farm of eighty acres which is well stocked and equipped with all the modern improvements.
Mr. Seurer formed a matrimonial alliance with Miss Susan, daughter of Jacob Mohr, whose sketch appears on another page of this volume. Their marriage was celebrated on the 20th of April, 1880, and to them has been born an interesting family of five children, of whom the parents may well be proud. Nicholas Jr., the eldest, came to bless the home on the 28th of January, 1881; Jacob, the next son, was born Jan. 15, 1883; Lena is a bright little girl of four summers, born Sept. 8, 1885, and is the idol of her father's heart; Mathias, a bright promising little fellow, was born on the 11th of May, 1887; the last, but by no means the least, is Julia, who was born May 23, 1889. Mr. Seurer is an ardent supporter of the Democratic party, and as one of the leading young farmers and a worthy citizen is highly deserving of mention in this volume.
Phillip Seurer, who resides on section 4, Forest Township, is one of the representative farmers of Fond du Lac County, and a native of Wisconsin. He was born in Marytown, Wis., June 24, 1855, and is a son of Michael and Mary Ann Seurer, both of whom were natives of Germany. In 1852 they left the Fatherland to try their fortune in the New World, and settled in Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, in the midst of a dense forest. Though many were the trials and hardships to be encountered, they had the determination to make for themselves and family a home in this country, and with that end in view resolutely set to work. As success attends those who labor diligently, they soon received their reward in bounteous harvests, which yielded a golden tribute to their care and labor. The year 1866 witnessed the arrival of the family in Fond du Lac County. Our subject was then but eleven years of age. They located on section 4, Forest Township, reaching that place on the 3rd of April. Mr. Seurer purchased sixty acres of land, and there made his home until his death, which occurred in 1884. He had extended the boundaries of his farm until it then comprised ninety-five acres, all of which was under a high state of cultivation, and was in great contrast to the uncultivated tract upon which he had settled more than twenty two years before. His first home was a little log cabin, but ere his death it was replaced by a fine brick dwelling, one of the best homes in the community.
The family to which our subject belongs numbered six children, all of whom grew to maturity: Charles, the first born, is a plasterer and stonemason by trade and now resides in the town of Marshfield: Anna M. became the wife of John Koenigs, whose sketch appears on another page of this work; Nicholas, who is also represented in this volume, resides on section 4, in the town of Forest; Phillip, the subject of this notice, is the fourth in order of birth: Gertrude is the wife of Mathias Koenigs, who resides in Sheboygan County; Paul is a respected citizen of Calvary.
Our subject has followed farming throughout his entire life, and was reared to that occupation. He grew to manhood in this country, and remained under the parental roof until attaining his majority, when, in 1879, he began life for himself. In that year he was joined in wedlock with Miss Mary Koenigs, who has since passed away. By their union were born five children, and four are yet living: Michael, born Nov. 12, 1879, is living in the town of Forest; Mary Anna was born March 9, 1881; Charles, Nov. 11, 1882; Mathias, Nov. 13, 1884. One son, Nicholas, who was born Jan. 4, 1886, died on the 10th of the April following. On the 6th of August, 1889, Mr. Seurer was again married, his second union being with Miss Nettie Zwick, who was born at Milwaukee, on the 28th of June, 1860, and at the time of her marriage resided in Lima Township, Sheboygan County. Her father, a native of Germany, is numbered among the early settlers of that county.
As before stated, in 1879, Mr. Seurer embarked in business for himself. His first purchase of land consisted of forty acres, located on section 3, Forest Township, and this he engaged in operating until coming into possession of the old home farm, upon which the family first settled on their arrival in this county. Although comparatively a young man, he displays much ability in the management and control of his affairs, and has been quite successful in his undertakings. He entertains practical, though progressive ideas, and is numbered among the prosperous farmers of the community. He has been honored with several local offices of trust, and at the present time is serving as Side-Supervisor. For the long period of ten years he has held the office of Pathmaster, and in 1883-84 was elected Side-Supervisor, and in 1889 was elected Director of the Farmers' Insurance Company of the town of Marshfield, and of Forest, and the south half of the town of Greenbush, Sheboygan County, in which he has served with credit to all concerned. In political sentiment he is a supporter of the Democratic party. In all that pertains to the welfare and best interests of the community, Mr. Seurer is found in the front ranks, and is recognized as a worthy and valued citizen, who is greatly deserving the high respect and esteem in which he is held.
From Ron Friedel's Genealogy Report
(Certificate of Baptism - Holy Cross Church - Mt Calvary, WI - Official copy dated 06 Nov 1939) This is to certify: that Mary Helana, child of Nicholas Seurer and Susanna Mohr was born on the 8th day of September A.D. 1884 and was baptized in this church on the 9th day of September A.D. 1884 according to the rite of the Roman Catholic Church by the Rev. P. Brnifacino (?) the sponsors being Carl Seurer and Helana Mohr.
From Ron Friedel's Genealogy Report
(Certificate of Marriage - St Mary's Church, Fond du Lac, WI - Official copy dated 06 Nov 1939)
This is to certify that Paul William Friedel and Mary Helen Seurer were lawfully married on the 27th day of November 1906 according to the rite of the Roman Catholic Church and in conformity with the laws of the State of Wisconsin, Rev. Godfried Wuelffing officiating, in the presence of Jacob Seurer and Catherine Friedel witnesses, as appears from the Marriage Register of this Church.
The funeral of Mrs. Paul Seurer, who died at her home in Mt. Calvary Thursday, was held at 10 o'clock Monday morning from holy Cross church at Mt. Calvary. The Rev. Father Engelbert officiated, and interment took place in the adjoining cemetery.
Six nephews of the deceased acted as pallbearers Ed. and Albert Rieden, Mike Seurer, Joe Seurer, Nick Koenig, and Albert Schaefer. Mrs. Ben Bittner was crossbearer, while Esther Rieden, Josephine Seurer, and Irvina Dietzen acted as flower bearers.
The funeral was very largely attended. Among those present from away were Mr. and Mrs. John Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Burg and Mrs. Adam Entringer of St. Cloud; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schram and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller of St. Joe; Mr. and Mrs. John Seurer of Marytown; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seurer and Mrs. Carl Seurer of Charlesburg; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Daun and Mrs. Joe Seurer of Chilton; Miss Nettie Koenig, Nick Koenig, Mrs. Casper and Mrs. Ed. Schaefer of Empire; and Mrs. Sam Daniels, Mrs. John Koenig, Mrs. Friedel, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Koenig, Paul Koenig, Phil Koenig, Phil Koenig, Mike Seurer, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rieden of Fond du Lac.
Mrs. Seurer was a member of The Third Order and Christian Mothers' societies, both of which organizations attended the funeral in a body.
From Foertsch-Achter-Seurer Family Chronicles by Dorothy Kaler, 1993
Phillip Seurer, 75, a native of Marytown, died at 10:50 p. m. Thursday at his home in Mt. Calvary after a lingering illness.
He was born June 24, 1855, in Marytown and moved with his parents to the Town of Forest in 1866, settling on a farm three miles south of Mt. Calvary. Mr. Seurer was married Feb. 4, 1879, to Mary Anna Koenigs, who died Feb. 24, 1888. On Aug. 6, 1889 he was united in marriage to Miss Nettie Zwick of the town of Lima, Sheboygan county. He moved to Mt. Calvary 27 years ago, residing there ever since.
Surviving are his widow; seven children, Michael at home, Mrs. Mary Mohr of Mt. Calvary, Charles and Math Seurer of Haven, S. D., Emma G. Kraemer of this city, Laura A. Guelig of Eldorado and Hilda L. Bertram of Campbellsport; a brother, Nick Seurer, and a sister, Mrs. Gertrude Koenigs of this city.
Funeral services will be held at 10 a. m. Monday at Holy cross church at Mt. Calvary. Mr. Seurer was a member of Branch 149 of the Catholic Knights of Wisconsin.
From Foertsch-Achter-Seurer Family Chronicles by Dorothy Kaler, 1993
Mrs. Phillip Seurer, 70, a resident of Mt. Calvary for many years, died at 2 a. m. today at her home in the village after an illness of a week.
Born June 28, 1860, in Milwaukee she moved to Sheboygan in girlhood, residing there until her marriage to Mr. Seurer. The couple then moved to Mt. Calvary.
Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Emma Kraemer of this city, Mrs. Laura Guelig of Eldorado and Mrs. Hilda Bertram of Campbellsport; four step-children, Mrs. Mary Mohr of Mt. Calvary, Michael Seurer at home and Matt and Charles Seurer of Haven, S. D.; a brother, George Zwick of Sheboygan, and seven grandchildren.
Mrs. Seurer was a member of the Christian Mothers' society.
Funeral services will be held at 9:45 a. m. Tuesday from the residence and at 10 a. m. from Holy Cross church at Mt. Calvary. Burial will be in the adjoining cemetery.
From Foertsch-Achter-Seurer Family Chronicles by Dorothy Kaler, 1993
The Fond du Lac Commonwealth Reporter of Wednesday, 07 February 1934, page 14.
Nicholas Seurer, 80, former resident of the Town of Forest and Mt. Calvary, died at 8:55 a. m. today at St. Agnes hospital from a stroke of paralysis suffered last Friday. He was removed to the hospital Tuesday.
Born May 5, 1853, in the village of Marytown Mr. Seurer moved with his parents to the Town of Forest when a small child. He was engaged in farming until 1912 when he retired and took up his residence in Mt. Calvary where he lived until 1930. His wife, formerly Miss Susanna Mohr, died four years ago last December in Mt. Calvary. After her death Mr. Seurer moved to this city. He was a member of the Catholic Knights of Wisconsin.
Surviving he leaves two daughters, Mrs. John Koenigs and Mrs. William Friedel of this city, four sons, Michael, Jacob, Matthew and John of this city, 18 grandchildren, three great-grandchildren and one sister, Mrs. Gertrude Koenigs, of this city.
Funeral Services will be held at 8:30 a. m. Saturday from the residence of Jacob Seurer, 341 East Merrill avenue, and at 9 a. m. from St. Mary's church, the Very Rev. Peter W. Gersbach officiating. Burial will be at Holy Cross cemetery, Mt. Calvary.
From Foertsch-Achter-Seurer Family Chronicles by Dorothy Kaler, 1993
Copyright 1994, LJ - 5038 38th Avenue SW, Seattle WA 98126, (206) 938-5410.
January 16
Charles Seurer, 53, prominent farmer of the southeastern part of
Walworth county, died at the Bowdle hospital last Wednesday and
funeral services were held in Hoven Saturday.
The deceased came to the Hoven territory from Wisconsin in 1909 and
was married to Eva Kaiser. That year he also joined in partnership
with George Klocker to open a store in Hoven. Later he took up
farming in Potter county and in 1928 took charge of the R.L. Murdy
ranch in eastern Walworth county. Besides his private business, he
held numerous important offices under the AAA and the cattle-testing
program as well as serving as director of the Equity elevator at
He is survived by his wife, nine sons,
George of California,
Edward and
Arthur, four
Florence and
Laura, two brothers and four
Services were held from St. Anthony's Catholic church Saturday
morning and interment made in the Hoven cemetery.
The Herald extends sincere sympathy to the bereaved family.
Web site with Java Herald obituaries
Mrs. William Friedel, 74, of 254 East Arndt Street, died at 5 a.m. today at St. Agnes Hospital where she had been a patient the last four weeks. Native of the Town of Forest the former Helen Seurer was born Sept. 8, 1884, the daughter of Nicholas and Susan Mohr Seurer. She came to Fond du Lac as a young girl and had since resided here. She was married to Mr. Friedel Nov.27, 1906 in St. Mary's Church. He died Feb. 6. Surviving are three daughters and four sons, Mrs. E. J. Mengel, Peebles, Mrs. Normand Campbell, Waukau, Mrs. Michael Pauly, city, and Edmund, Norbert, Cyril, and Roy Friedel, city; a brother, Jacob, and a sister, Mrs. John Koenigs, both of the city; and 26 grandchildren. Two grandchildren preceded her in death. Mrs. Friedel was a member of St. Mary's Church, the W.C.O.F. and the Altar Society. Friends may call at the Zacherl Funeral Home after 2 p.m. Thursday. Funeral services will be there Friday at 9 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. at St. Mary's Church. Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery.
(Fond du Lac (Wis) Commonwealth Reporter Dec.30, 1958)
Mr. and Mrs. Roman Sawyer
Mr. and Mrs. Roman Sawyer, 311 W. Division St., will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary with open house for friends and relatives at their home from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Sunday.
The former Helen Rae Faris and Mr. Sawyer were married Nov. 21, 1925, at St. Patrick's Church. The late Rev. Thomas Cosgrove officiated.
Mrs. Edward Scannell, the late John Faris and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Faris were attendants at the wedding.
Mr. Sawyer, a meat cutter, was employed by Buehler Brothers in Eau Clair, Oshkosh and Fargo, N.D. He owned and operated a market on Lincoln and Division Streets from 1949 to 1957. He was then employed by Prellwitz Meats in North Fond du Lac until retirement.
He is a member of the Izaak Walton League Society and St. Joseph's Society. Mrs. Sawyer is a member of St. Patrick's Altar and Rosary Society and the I.L.S. Club.
They have three sons: Ronald L., Phoenix, Ariz.; David J., Minneapolis; and Larry, Fond du Lac. They have seventeen grandchildren and one great grandchild.
Image of newspaper article
Mrs. Elizabeth Casper, 92, of Johnsburg, died early today at Care Center East Nursing home, Fond du Lac, where she had resided the past year.
The former Elizabeth Koenigs, she was born Aug. 26, 1888, in St. Cloud, a daughter of the late Matthias and Gertrude Seurer Koenigs.
On Feb. 15, 1916, she and Matthias Casper were married in Fond du Lac. They made their home in Marytown. Mr. Casper died in 1937.
Mrs. Casper moved to Johnsburg in the 1940s.
She was a member of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Johnsburg, its Christian Mothers Society and the Altar and Rosary Society at Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church in Marytown.
Surviving are five sons, Robert of Fond du Lac, Gilbert and LeRoy of Marytown, Edgar of Johnsburg and Jerome of New Holstein; two daughters, Mrs. Anthony (Clarice) Schmitz of St. Peter and Mrs. Marcella Birschbach of Sheboygan Falls; 26 grandchildren; 18 great grandchildren; and one sister, Mrs. Charles Bleuel of Fond du Lac. She was preceded in death by four brothers and two sisters.
Funeral Mass will be at 1:30 p.m. Saturday at St. John the Baptist Church, Johnsburg, with the Rev. Robert Bier, pastor, celebrant, following family rites at 1 p.m. at the Uecker-Witt Funeral Home, Fond du Lac. Burial will be in Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Cemetery, Marytown.
A vigil will be held at 8:15 p.m. Friday at the funeral home.
Mrs. Leona Damrow, 72, of 1200-C Reed St., Plymouth, died unexpectedly at her home Saturday afternoon.
The former Leona Mohr was born Jan. 29, 1909, at Mt. Calvary, a daughter of the late John and Mary Seuer Mohr. She attended Mt. Calvary Elementary School.
On April 27, 1935, she married Alfred Damrow in Milwaukee. The couple lived in Milwaukee until 1946, when they moved to Elkhart Lake. They moved to Plymouth in 1969. Mr. Damrow died Dec. 3, 1971.
She was a member of Salem United Church of Christ, Plymouth.
Survivors are a son, William, of Crandon; a granddaughter; two sisters, Mrs. Ben Hochrein, of Rocky Knoll Health Care Facility, and Mrs. Edward Droege, of Hot Springs Village, Ark.; and two brothers, Ben Mohr, Mt. Calvary, and Walter Mohr, of West Bend. Three brothers preceded her in death.
Funeral services will be held at 8 p.m. Tuesday at Wittkopp Funeral Service, Plymouth. the Rev. Lowell Ferguson, pastor of Salem UCC, will officiate. Burial will be in Plymouth Woodlawn Cemetery.
Friends may call at the funeral home from 3 p.m. Tuesday until the time of services.
A memorial fund has been established in Mrs. Damrow's name.
Anthony R. Schmitz, 56, of Route 2, Malone, died Sunday, April 18, at his home after a prolonged illness.
He was born November 7, 1925, in Mt. Calvary, son of John P. and Barbara Gundert Schmitz.
He married Clarice Casper November 8, 1944 in Marytown.
Mr. Schmitz was employed by Mercury Marine for 22 years.
He was a member of St. Peter Church in St. Peter, the Catholic Knights and the St. Joseph Society. He was also a member of the Fond du Lac Genealogical Society.
Survivors include his wife; four daughters, Mrs. Harvey (Anna) Schwoerer of New Holstein, Mrs. Edward (Cecilia) Cross of Milwaukee, Mrs. Allan (Rosemary) Merten of Fond du Lac and Geraldine Schmitz of Ripon; two sons, Ralph of Glendale Heights, IL, and John of Route 2, Malone; five grandchildren; two brothers, Florian of Portland, OR, and Gilbert of Route 2 Malone; three sisters, Mrs. Agnes Nett of Fond du Lac, Mrs. Mabel Floyd of Dotyville and Mrs. Rosie Engel of New Holstein.
He was preceded in death by his parents, four brothers and a sister.
Funeral services were held Wednesday at 1 p.m. at Ucker-Witt Funeral Home in Fond du Lac, and at 1:30 p.m. at St. Peter Catholic Church. the Rev. Clarence Nickolai, pastor, officiated. Entombment was in Shrine of Rest Mausoleum.
A memorial in Mr. Schmitz' name has been established for the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Society of America.
NOTE: These obituaries from the Bowdle Pioneer were prepared by Judy Huber on September 24, 1995 and are issued with her permission. This work may be freely copied for nonprofit purposes.
Copyright 1995, JH - 13218 331st Avenue, Bowdle, South Dakota 57428-5902, (605) 285-6337
the Mass of Christian Burial for Elsie H. Seurer, age 67, was held at The Church of the Most Holy Trinity at St. Louis Park, MN, Tuesday, June 1 with the Rev. Leonard Siebenaler officiating.
Interment was at Fort Snelling National Cemetery at Minneapolis, MN with Gearty-Delmore Park Funeral Chapel of St. Louis Park, MN, in charge of arrangement.
She was born June 13, 1925, at Lowry, SD, and died May 27, 1993 at Minneapolis, MN.
Survivors include her husband, Hubert W. Seurer; son and daughter-in-law, Bill and Lynn Seurer; granddaughter, Rachel Seurer; brother Harvey Knecht; sister Elvina Simon and Lucille Weisgram and nieces and nephews.
SEPT. 29, 1994
Herbert (Buck) W. Seurer, age 72 of St. Louis Park, MN, died Sept. 6, 1994 at Abbott-Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis, MN.
Service information in the paper.
Hubert W. Seurer was born April 20, 1922, in Hoven to Charles and Eva (Kaiser) Seurer. He married the former Elsie Knecht on Sept. 12, 1951, in Hoven. They moved to Minneapolis, MN, in 1956. She preceded him in death on May 27, 1993.
He is survived by son and daughter-in-law, Bill and Lynn Seurer of Rochester, N; granddaughter, Rachel Seurer of Rochester; five brothers: George Seurer of Bowdle; Joseph, Barnard, Albert and Arthur Seurer, all of Hoven; and two sisters: Barbara Brickner and Laura Kaup, both of Hoven.
Will send Mt. Calvary cemetery marker list on Seurer. Deaths are on record at rectory except 1867-1877 a lost book. If there is a legible marker I have list for area.
Mt. Calvary Cemetery Phillip Seurer 1855-1930 & Maria 1858-1888 1st wife & Antonette 1860-1931 2nd wife Carl Seurer 1849-1919 & Mary 1865-1961 dau Margaret 1896-1972 Mary Ann Seurer 1819-1896 Susana - Carl's 1st wife 1852-1892 Nikolas 1853-1934 Susans 1854-1929 son Michael 1881-1937 Michael 1879-1969 -----------------------
Anton Seurer marr on Sept. 3 1928
B. 1901 Dec 29
at Mt.
Wit Elmer Stephany
Joe Seurer
Ludwina Wagner
Alvina Piekart
1919 Aug 5 Bap.
dau Virginia to
Carl Leon
Lizzie Seurer
Sp. Joe Leon
Francis Seurer
Virginia m. Harold Courtney
June 20 1943 at St. Louis Rectory at FDL
Bap -
1918 April 16
to Joseph Bertram
Hilda Seurer
Sponsor Phillip Seurer
Marie Wagner
Miriam m. Jos. Hansen at St. Peters in West Allis April 29 - 1964
Old Parish Book (German).
My mother & dad identified them. I had double checked them and was not sure of the Carl. All appeared on different parish society pictures.
- Virginia Sippel
A. Catholic Ritter
A Ritter is a Knight
these guys are all members of the Catholic Knights or the Knights of
Columbus. Also, in the picture, you can see all the guys wearing big
ribbons. I have one of these ribbons. I found it in the house when
cleaned it out after my mother died. It probably belonged to my
Grandfather William Paul Friedel. It is from the St. Joseph's Society
but it is printed "St. Joseph's Unterstuetzungs Verein, Fond du Lac,
Wis." The Society was a private, church run, insurance group that
a death benefit to survivors. I have a copy of the constitution and
bylaws of this group. It is in both German and English. The German
title roughly translates to "St. Joseph's Benevolence Society."
- Ron Friedel, 1997
First Row
Joe Pickart (missing-cut off), Killian Schaub, Bernard Hoehen, Schaub (Priesner house, Tony Brenner), Fruend,
Nick Seurer, Frank Monenback (missing-cut off).
Second and Third Rows
Jacob Abler, Math Nies, Carl Seurer, ___, Henry Lefener, Killian Mihler, Ben Bittner, Adam Worth,
Paul Seurer.
Fourth Row
Joe Theurmer, Anton Utchig,
John Koenigs
B. Second Picture
Row 1
___, Kemph, ___, Henry Lefebre, "Papa" Willie Wolf, Henry Jos. Holzman, Kemph
Row 2
Mrs. Gillis, Mrs. Tanablum, ___, ___, ___, ___, ? SEURER, Mrs. Jos. Rieden, John Joseph Rieden.
Row 3
John Birsbach, ????
Center Back
Nick Kramer (?)
C. St. Anthony Society
Row 1
George Schuster(missing-cut off), Frank Monnebach, Anton Utchig, John Nies, Simon Koenen, Karl Seurer, Mathias Abler, Finton Schaub
Row 2
___, Mathias Abler(?), Ed Birkhauser, Anton Schmitz, ___, Peter Rieden, ___, Ben Konen
Row 3
___,Adam Wirth, ___, Killian Meheu, ___, ___, Joe Rieden (m. Mary Kraemer), ___
Ben Beltner
This couple [Mr. and Mrs. Roman Sawyer] is son of Matt Seurer. I do not know who Matt belonged to. One of yours. These changed name to Sawyer. His wife did not like the name. Matt and Rose Kraemer Seurer are on F.D.L. Cath. cemet. [Fond du Lac Catholic cemetery]. This [the genealogy] is done from Kraemer side & is a total. Matt had one son Roman.
ROSINA JULIANA SEURER PARENTS: NICHOLAS KRAEMER JR. Born: March 19, 1837 Drear Germany Died: June 6, 1904 Mount Calvary, Wisconsin MARRIED: Margaret Schmitz Born: August 12, 1844 Mannebach, Germany Died: January 27, 1885 Mount Calvary, Wisconsin ROSINA JULIANA KRAEMER Born: April 7, 1878 Mount Calvary, Wisconsin Died: May 17, 1956 Fond du Lac, Wisconsin MARRIED: Matt Seurer Born: May 11, 1886 Mount Calvary, Wisconsin On: June 15, 1905 Died: December 21, 1956 Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
Rosina Juliana Kraemer was born April 7, 1878 in Mount Calvary, Wisconsin in the town of Marshfield. She grew up and attended parochial school in the village of Mount Calvary, Wisconsin. She remained at home on the farm until Nicholas Kraemer Jr. (her father) died on June 6, 1904. A short time later she married Matt Seurer on June 15, 1905. Matt Seurer was at that time employed on the Nicholas Kraemer Jr. farm. Rose and Matt made their future home at 242 East Johnson Street, in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Matt Seurer was engaged as a carpenter. Christmas in Rose Kraemer Seurer's home was fantastic. A huge Christmas tree adorned their living room. She baked several kinds of cookies and made several kinds of candy to serve her guests during the Christmas Season. Another niece reminded me of her remarkable kitchen in the basement where she did all her cooking and baking. She passed away May 17, 1956 following a long illness. Matt Seurer passed away December 21, 1956.
ROMAN NICHOLAS SEURER (SAYER) dec. 1980 Dec. Born: Aug. 8, 1905 Occupation: Meat Market, Butcher Married: November 21, 1925 HELEN FARIS (RAE) Born: August 18, 1909 Children: 3 1. RONALD SAWYER Born: January 25, 1929 Married: September 7, 1948 Died: November 7, 1977 JEANE NACHTMAN Born: November 30, 1932 Children: 3